Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Pox on Politicians

The other day while watching the news, I heard that Republican legislators, headed by Rep. Voss, want to change the state’s recall policy. Recent policy states elected officials can be recaled for any reason, but a petition with the names of 25 percent of individuals within the representative’s district - and the names have to be collected within 60 days. To me, collecting that amount of signatures - literally thousands, sometimes tens of thousands of names - in two months - seems like it would be challenge enough for the process.

Republicans however, want to make it so a representative can only be recalled if they have committed a felony or an ethical violation.

This proposed change reeks of political agenda and party-pandering. To me, it doesn’t matter if it is Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal. Either way, I would not support the move.

We the people - We the People select who we want representating us not just as President of the United States, but in all offices, from Congress representatives and state senators, to district assemblymen and women.

When Governor Scott Walker presented his union-busting, collective bargaining stripping bill to the people, an outry went out and thousands from all over the state - teachers, police, firefighters, the common man - flocked to the Capital to protest. Within a few months, recall efforts were underway for both Republican and Democrat senators, and in the end, Democrats picked up two seats, not enough for the three needed to gain majority, but it wasn’t in vain.

It is the people who elect their representatives, the people who pledge their hard-earned money to fund the campaigns. I understand the frustration with the $44 million spent on the recent recalls, but stripping even more rights from the voting public of Wisconsin is not right. If constituents feel their lawmakers have let them down in some way, are no longer representing their best interests - whatever that may be - they should have every right to try to recall him or her.

This bill isn’t to prevent another rampaging recall effort from occurring in the future, it’s to limit a party takeover - because our Assemblymen and women, both Republican and Democrat - are incapable of working together. Public officials represent us, and showing intollerance and an unwillingness to work together for the betterment of our county, state and nation is a poor message to send to everyone.

Step up politicians, put aside your petty differences, and work to address an actual growing problem: how to fix our declining economy, growing unemployment rates and budget deficit, while not completely turning a cold shoulder to the most needy. Leave the party-pandering in the dust, please.

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Path of the Warrior

I know it’s been a couple months since my last post. I’ve been busy, so sue me. Thankfully, enough has happened lately where all I need to worry about is what to write about first.

Anyway, Saturday, Sept. 17 I traveled to Twin Lakes, Wis. for Warrior Dash. It was a 3.2 mile run, with 10 obstacles, including 8-12 foot walls,a 16-foot rope wall, crawling under barbed wire and a mesh net, leaping over fire and crawling through a mud pit.

Although my time wasn’t the best (42:03.35), I did make my goal - I did not walk a single step and only stopped when I had to wait my turn at the obstacles.

At the end of the day Saturday I finished 4,632 out of 6,657 finishers, and 214 out of 321 female finishers age 20-24. All things considered, I didn’t do that bad, and I had A LOT of fun. After the mud pit and crossing the finishing line, my foot slipped and I actually went all the way down in the mud. I joked about it and was like well, that’s the way to finish the race! Lol.

After the race, I went through Warrior Wash - everybody lined up to get hosed down by the Randall Fire Department. I just went come on, on some level isn’t it every women’s fantasy to get hosed down by a firefighter? No? Oh well, guess it’s just me. Sadly I missed out on signing a guy’s nipple - guess there’s always next year.

By the end, I was covered head to toe in mud. There was a tiny bit of open space on my face and a space on the upper back of my T-shirt that was clean, but that was it.

It was a great challenge, and now I know that I can handle anything - watch out Tough Mudder 2012 - you’re next!