Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Great Balancing Act

While in college I wrote an article for a class called “The Great Balancing Act.” It was about a classmate of mine, who was balacing going to college, working, and raising a child with his long-time girlfriend. When talking with him, it made me realize that in order to succeed, we need to prioritize. And not just with our time, but money as well.

It’s quite funny, actually. When I was in college, my electric bill was all I had to worry about paying, and a $250 debt on my bank credit card seemed like a huge deal. Now, here I am, six months laptop I had for five years started crackling and breaking down, and I had to buy a new one. I’m paying for all my bills, and have $1,300 still to pay off on my new computer, which will hopefully last me for at least another five years.

Meanwhile, I’m sitting here, $1,300 in debt for my new computer, need to save up for a car, and the skydiving certification I desperately want will cost another $2,700 and take me weeks...but at least I can do it on the weekend. At least the skydiving is seasonal, and I don’t even need to think about that again for another five months. Then once you take into account half of my income is used for rent, well, there is not a whole lot left for “fun” spending money. I actually crunched the numbers last week, and figured out that after taxes and rent, I’ll have about $8,000 a year to spend on gas for the car, my electric bill, food and spending money. Bigger job, bigger paycheck...but bigger bills.

Priorities. Priorities. Priorities.

And even though I’m sure my mom wasn’t too crazy on my many, MANY extra-curriculars growing up, it sure has come in handy lately, since my schedule is so crazy. For instance, Monday I work 8-5, and then have just enough time to chance, eat and watch a little TV before hopping in the car around 7 to head to Whitewater for Karate Club.

Then on the average Tuesday I work from 8 a.m.-10 p.m. As a matter of fact, if you are looking for me during the week, you’ll usually be able to find me at one of four places: The Star, covering city meetings at the municipal building, UW-Whitewater in either the gymnastics or wrestling room, or at my asleep.

Every week is kind of the same, with small variations, but just as insane. And I’ll admit, I don’t always make it to club, sometimes if I have just worked a long day or am tired, I take it upon myself to skip the one-hour commute there and back again.

So for all you guys out there who are fooling yourself into thinking the real world will be less hectic and crazy than your college’s not. It’s just as crazy, just as insane...but at least you are getting paid.

Well, got to go. Time to hop into the car and join those amazingly insane guys in Whitewater to practice the art of ass-kicking. Kihap!

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